This beautiful Buddhist statue is made in Takaoka, the largest traditional copperware and ironware production area in Japan, and famous for its Buddhist statues, altars, and other crafts. Each statue is made using high pressure die casting, followed by finish work done by a skilled craftsman. It is made to look like an antique, and will add a touch of classic Japanese iconography for any Buddhist or anyone interested in Asian art.
The statue is of Fudo Myo, remover of obstacles and destroyer of evil, one of the most important and well-known divinities in Japanese Buddhism, being especially venerated in the Shingon, Tendai, Zen, and Nichiren sects, as well as in Shugendō.
Product size (approx.): 15.5 x 6 x 3.5 cm
Material: metal alloy
Made in Takaoka, Japan
Shipped directly from Japan