This product is a Japanese Buddhist hanging scroll (mokei) that has the image of the Thirteen Buddhas and the mounting parts printed on one piece of fabric. It reproduces the most prestigious form of “shin no shin” that is used for Buddhist scrolls such as nokyō scrolls and Buddhist paintings. You can enjoy hanging this scroll in any room, not only in a tokonoma or a Japanese-style room. Please choose a place where it is not exposed to direct sunlight or wind. The Thirteen Buddhas are familiar and revered figures in Buddhism, who are said to bestow many merits to the people and grant their wishes. They are also the ones who preside over the thirteen memorial services from the seventh day to the thirty-third anniversary of a person’s death. They are also the main deities of the reverse practice, which is a way of accumulating merits for oneself and performing memorial services in advance while alive. This scroll can be used for honoring one’s ancestors, as well as for warding off evil and reflecting one’s descendants. It comes in a special box. The size is as follows:
Body: about 56cm high x 31cm wide Weight: 146g Scroll core: about 36cm wide, 2.6cm in diameter Material Shinkinbon (synthetic fabric)
Shipped directly from Japan